Our 3 steps
to operate

We are committed to constantly conducting our operations in a way that ensures a healthy and safe work environment.

Therefore, every day, our workers must follow and apply the following three steps to operate on our sites:

  1. Is it safe
    for employees?

  2. Does it respect
    the environment and
    the community?

  3. Once the first two steps
    have been confirmed,
    operations may proceed.

Combined FrequencIES

In 2023, the Canadian Malartic Mine posted a combined frequency of 0.65, meaning that for each 200,000 hours of work, there were 0.65 work incidents resulting in lost time or a temporary assignment of the Canadian Malartic Mine or contractor employees.

The combined frequency rate at the Odyssey Mine includes both infrastructure development and construction activities. The mine ended the year with a combined frequency rate of 1.28.

Supervisory Formula 

The principles of the Québec Mining Association’s (QMA) Supervisory Formula are applied daily and our workers on our sites use the work card as a support, compilation and monitoring tool to ensure worker safety.

  • The Supervisory Formula is a comprehensive approach to managing occupational health and safety prevention.
  • It provides supervisors and workers alike with a means of communication, information and assessment geared to production, maintenance and workplace safety activities.
  • It makes it possible to share and analyze all relevant information in an effort to achieve more effective workplace safety.
  • It means that all levels of company management support the approach and that supervisors and workers are at the centre of problem identification and resolution.


A Health and Safety Prevention Program for Teams

Our Health and Safety Prevention Program, including the Odyssey Mine construction site, is designed to eliminate or control risks to employees’ health, safety, and physical well-being at their source. We have an action plan that is updated periodically in order to improve health and safety practices.


The objectives of the Health and Safety Prevention Program are to:

  • Structure and organize the prevention approach.
  • Identify and assess risks.
  • Suggest control methods to protect worker health and safety.
  • Protect workers exposed to specific risks by setting standards.
  • Maintain personal and collective protective equipment.
  • Train and inform workers about the risks involved in their work.


The awareness- and training-oriented Prevention Program has five areas of activity:

  1. Employee awareness
  2. Training
  3. Daily inspections
  4. Audits and site visits by management
  5. Special projects to meet specific needs


Health and Safety CommitteeS

Canadian Malartic Mine’s and Odyssey Mine’s Health and Safety Committees bring together the workers and the management in a collaborative fashion.. In this way, the Committees are an amalgamation of employees’ knowledge of practices, the overarching vision of managers, and the Company’s general procedures. The Committees, which act as a consultant to managers, executives and teams, meet about ten times a year.

The Odyssey mine construction site has its own committee known as the Site Committee. Under the Québec Safety Code for the construction industry, the Site Committee must hold meetings every two weeks. Its membership includes contractor and Mine management representatives. Topics discussed touch on all construction sites, and decisions made can included in the prevention program.